[외항사] 루프트한자 기출문제
학력, 전공에 관한 질문
Why did you attend that university?
What did you major in?
What subject did you enjoy the most?
What did you normally do during summer or winter vacation?
인격, 성품에 관한 질문
What can you tell me about yourself? (Tell me about yourself)
What kind of personality do you think you have?
Do you prefer to work alone or as the member of a team?
How do you get along with your coworkers?
장단점에 관한 질문
What is your strengths? (What are your strong points?)
What is your great weakenss? (What are your weakness you would like to improve about yourself?)
What types of situation really make you depressed?
경력, 자질에 관한 질문
What experience do you have for this job?
What is your most intellectually challenging thing you have done?
Why do you think you can successful in this position?
What are you qualification?
(What qualities are you looking for it you should hire someone for this position?)
Have you been a leader? What brought you to that position?
How do you make people accept your idea?
Pick a quality a good leader accept your idea?
What do you make people accept your idea?
What do you think of your English?
What did you do for improving your English proficiency?
Can you sepak another language beside English?
지원 동기에 관한 질문
Why do you want to work for us?
Do you have any reason to choose a foreign company?
Why do you want this job?
What interest you about our company? (Why are you interseted in this job?)
What do you know about our company?
Do you know who are our major competitors?
Please tell me your opinion for the vision of our business.
What do you think about our goods?
직업관에 관한 질문
Tell me about your career goods.
Where do you expect to be ten or twenty years from now on?
What is youf five-year plan?
What do you consider to be your most successful achievement and why?
How do you define a "Success" ?
What do you consider most valuable between salary and title?
What are your long term career objectives?
Do you work late at previous job? And could you work late?
What if your boss asks you to do an unacceptable order?
급여에 관한 질문
What are your salary expectation?
How much annual income do you expect?
이직 사유에 관한 질문
Why do you want to leave your present job? (Why are you moving?)
Why do you watn to change your job? (Why did you quit your job?)
What do you on weekends?
What kind of sports do you like? and why?
What's the most impressive book you have read recently?
Do you have any question?